Вдохновление любовными письмами
BIG Are you the last person in New York still taking out library books?
CARRIE I love the smell. BIG That's an old one. CARRIE "The Love Letters of Great Men." Volume one. BIG Am I in there? CARRIE No, but some of your classmates are. Voltaire, Napoleon... BIG You need to get glasses. CARRIE No, I don't -- I have yours. Here's Napoleon... "My dearest Josephine, I wake consumed with thoughts of you --" BIG Typical short guy. Gives it all away up front. BIG Why are you reading this? CARRIE Research for my new book. BIG What's it about? CARRIE Love. I use to write about finding love-- now I want to write about what happens after you've found it. BIG Interesting. What happens? CARRIE Stay tuned. CARRIE Listen... Here's Beethoven. BIG Bring it, Ludwig. CARRIE (Reading) "My thoughts go out to you today my immortal beloved. I can live only wholly with you or not at all." BIG Good stuff. CARRIE "Be calm my life, my all. Only by calm consideration of our existence can we achieve our purpose to live together. Oh continue to love me, never misjudge the most faithful heart of your beloved. Ever thine -- ever mine -- ever ours. CARRIE Have you ever written me a love letter? BIG Does a love fax count?CARRIE Have you ever written me a love letter?
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